Luke 1:26-56
There is a wonder surrounding Mary, the mother of Jesus, that transcends traditional religious thought. That she was a privileged vessel, chosen to bear God’s Son, is wonder enough, for she is a participant in the miracle of the incarnation at a level no other human being can comprehend.
It is clear that she did not claim to understand it herself, but simply worshiped God in humble acknowledgment of the phenomenon engulfing her existence: "My soul doth magnify the Lord," she exclaims (v.46).
We can hardly fathom the bewildering moments she experienced 1) when Simeon prophesied future mental/emotional suffering (2:35); 2) when she and Joseph spoke with Jesus after they thought He was lost in Jerusalem (2:49, 50); 3) when Jesus gently rebuffed her at the wedding in Cana (John 2:4); 4) when Jesus seemed to reject her and His brother’s efforts at helping Him, though they clearly misunderstood Him at that time (Matt. 12:46-50).
These instances prompt our learning the wisdom of persistence and obedience in following God’s basic directive on our lives, even when the details of the outworking of His will are unclear or mystifying.
Mary is also a study in the pathway forward in God’s will. She might have sought elevation in position among those who saw Jesus for who He was-Messiah-but instead 1) she remained steadfast with Him all the way to the Cross, rather than protect herself (John 19:25); and 2) she obediently joined other of Jesus' disciples in the Upper Room, waiting as He commanded for the coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14).
Mary is a model of responsive obedience, one who lived out her own directive for all ages: "whatsoever he [Jesus] saith unto you, do it" (John 2:5).
In Christ,
Janet Irene Thomas
Playwright/Director/Screen Writer
Producer/Gospel Lyricist/Author
Bible Stories Theatre of
Fine & Performing Arts